Age of Conan: Últimas noticias

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jueves, 24 de abril de 2008

Review de un Betatester

Grevenilvec es un beta tester actual del Age of Conan que ha realizado una visión personal de como está el juego ahora mismo según sucriterio. Nos ha dado permiso para reproducir aquí su artículo al respecto.

Su review está en ingles y organizada según diversos aspectos del juego que él considera más destacables. Además incluye algunos screenchots tomados para explicar ciertos comentarios. Es muy interesante aunque hay que tener en cuenta que se trata de una visión personal y subjetiva de un betatester.

Una lectura interesante que contiene algunos detalles que pueden pasar desapercibidos en las lecturas sobre Age of Conan (como los minibosses, la importancia del health pool, etc).

"...just a note, keep checking back I am updating this about every 15min so far lol
Also all these pictures are taken at 1360x768 with all settings maxed (so this is as good as it gets on DX9)..."

Overall very good so far. But here's my issues with it.

Players Health: HP makes too much of a difference. At least in rogue situations, this could be a low level thing. But I have found it is pretty hard to take down anyone in a multiplayer battle. Maybe in 1v1 it would be different. But Playing a Soldier class really makes Rogues feel useless in PvP. It even seemed using my Guardians Polearm was as much burst dps as anything my Barb could toss out.

Glitches: There are a few I have ran across (I'm sure they will be polished).

Shader Model 3.0: Do not use this. It is the default shader for High settings, but for me it does not work. It instead causing massive artifacting and triangles spinning like crazy on any no UI related game footage.Also messing with some video settings (not the shader model) will cause this same issue. Even if you return those things to their previous settings it will not go away. What you have to do is turn the shader model back to 3.0 then back again to 2.x or 2.0.

Character Creation Screen: If I leave my characters faces as deafult (Randomized) they will have eyes. The instant I remove any Markings or Tattoo's/Scars their eyes disappear and instead are completely black. Also a lot of body tattoo's/Markings cause textures to not appear on the character creation screen. It will actually cause the entire characters body part to turn a solid color (red, light blue, white, or grey). Turning the Markings off will cause that to go away, but doing this will also remove their eyes. All of this isn't apparent once in game, if you made your character with scars (even though you can't see them in the creation screen) they will appear in game, so it's just a hit and miss. - Example of a man with no eyes (might wanna have that checked out)

And heres some screwed up textures from Markings/Scars/Tattoo's:

Random other bug screens: - Man she must really have the hots for me to hold that position! - I like what Funcom has done with the Camera - More GREAT camera footage.

Collision: Sliding off objects, it should really be more forgiving. When you hit a wall while you are running almost parallel with it and you just stop, you have to strafe off the side of it. Also rocks, at first I seemed to be getting stuck on rocks you should be able to walk over. It now seems better, but on rocks there are a few spots sometimes that will hang me up.

On the plus side most character collision seems great. Its nice to know other people are actually there. But it also is nice to know they aren't a massive hindrance to how you move.

Ranged Classes: Whats with this, I don't feel like playing with a bunch of little girls. It's getting really sickening chasing around Necro's as their pets beat you to death just because you cannot pyshically catch them. And the fact that their pets get in your way of walking.

Targeting: Take out this soft targeting crap and give us real targeting. Leave the aoe sweeping damage from weapons, but for abilities like charge or to cast at a specific person it is beyond annoying to tab to get to them.

Class Reviews:

Priest of Mitra: What the hell? This class seems to take so much damage and hit so hard. I have yet to drop one yet, maybe it was a Ranger shooting me in the back. But it seems I can barely dent their life bar!

Barbarian: Low HP, can hit pretty hard especially if combo's end. Not many combo's at 20. Overall I would have to say at 20 this class is lacking. But it seems and thought it probably really comes together well at later levels. Just a little bit of growing pains then this class will probably be great!

Guardian: Simply Amazing! This class is great, PvE or PvP. I played in 10 PvP matches with mine and only died 3 times so far. Polearm was pretty good DPS and good survive abilitiy. But honestly go sword and board you will not regret it! You loose very little DPS and my god do you just live! - how much more sexy can you get than a loin cloth, some sort of scaled shirt, and toeless boots?

Conqueror: Overall pretty good. Dual wielding is ok, but 2 hand they have some real sick burst damage on a few occasions I seemed to take 3/4's of another players HP bar in 1-2 hits. They also have good survivability because the HP, just not quiet at par with the Guardian.

Tempest of Set: Seems to be a good class. Gets a snare early on, infact 2 of them and one is aoe. Does some pretty good damage but a little short on the mana. Fun overall.

PvE compared to PvP

I started a low level Barbarian and Guardian and I must say, the PvE is excellent! I had a ton of fun and in a short bit I'm gonna head back and play my lowbie Guardian.

Keep in mind they balanced the PvE and have yet to completely balance the PvP (they just balanced the Ranges with the weekend in motion).

The mobs do seem a bit weak in PvE as 1 v 1, but fortunatly you usually fight groups. And it is very cool to see your weapon taking down multiple HP bars. Or having an knockback effect go off and tossing 3 guys to their feet so you can run up and kill them on the group (hoping for a fatality soon).

Things I would like to see added in:

More Haircuts and/or Hair Options: Just seems the selection is low. Or at least add an adjustment for hair length. Right now I get ghost imaging about my characters hair in the creation screen. And what it looks like is an outline of what the hair would look like at max length, but yet I see no length adjustment.

Also some more beards, the selection that is there is good. But no Goatee? Thats a basic one and a few others they could add in. No need for 3-4 versions of a full beard and no mid sized chin succesories

Targeting: As I said up above, this soft targeting is BS. There are quiet a few abilities that seem to rely on a target (one being charge). And sometimes its just far too annoying to get to the target you want so you just go with whatever you tabbed to.

And that was only covering the offensive side, I haven't played a healing class yet but I can imagine healing in PvP would be a pain. Well not at this point everything is 6v6 as far as I can tell, but I would assume later they will be larger groups and having to click and heal people out of group would be quiet annoying.

Some More Detail: The game does look great! But only one thing sticks out like a sore thumb and really brings the environment down. The trees and bushes, they look like they have the detail level of PS One games. More like a small balloon on the end of a stick. Some look better than others, but any with small leaves just look horrible. Here's an example: the smaller bush its just a cross hatch of 3 flat layers (granted this one was hiding way at the end of a map) - And here's an example of one that isn't too bad, these leaves look pretty nice, maybe a litte on the large side, but nice.

Only other grahpics thing that looks not the best (and this one is a minor issue) is rocks. Granted right now we can only use (or at least me) shader model 2.0. I'm sure 3.0 would add a bit of detail and DX10 is suppose to do wonders for rocks.

Ditch the loot display: When multiple massive bars cover my screen because I looted more than 1 thing or completed/found more than 1 thing that is quiet annoying. Easy solution is just to do away with the bars, the text is fine but don't double space between each different action/loot. Just toss us some text up (preferably off to the side of the screen (out of combats way) and we'll be great!

Combat Log: This shouldn't be stuck to the chat log. I would assume they will make it so this can be pulled out and moved around.

Overall so far I am for sure done with WoW this has made me a believer (hard not to doubt something that runs you $205 between you and the gf).

Random Thoughts:

Mini-Bosses: I LOVE YOU FUNCOM! I just had to get that out of the way. Right off the bat there are tons of them, they aren't anything crazy overpowered. But you can actually do a mini-boss before the 1st quest in the game. Then right after you free the chich from the chains there are 2 more mini-bosses within 20seconds of there.

So check everywhere! They all drop decent loot at low levels I got some boots and other junk (nothing great but better than nothing). Very happy they did this, make the world a much more interesting place. And to back my support of mini-bosses heres an example. I took these pictures 10min into playing. The 1st picture looks like the 1st time I played through on my Guardian (skipping mini-bosses) and the 2nd is what checking the nooks and crannies gets you - Pretty bare - Not bad for 10min of play, looking pretty respectable (besides the stick ) And this is also what you get when you skip the mini-bosses. What ya all think, looks pretty sexy in a tube top huh? (guess men can wear womens clothes)

Random Pics: - Panther model, don't look too bad - Since when did Pict's practice acupuncture? - Finally the Ore Fatality! - part 2 of Ore Fatal, who told you this job wasn't messy? - And here is your Mike Tyson of AoC (whats with the voice Funcom?)

(Thanks Grevenilvec for this review)

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